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Rugova Valley and the National Park Bjeshkët e Nemuna - Workshop
Rugova Valley and the National Park Bjeshkët e Nemuna - Workshop
The Municipality of Peja, together with the Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) implemented by UN-Habitat and financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation, have organised a workshop on Rugova Valley and the Spatial Plan for the National Park Bjeshkët e Nemuna (Accursed Mountains). The workshop took place on December 5th, 2013 at 9:30 at Hotel Dukagjini in Peja/Pec.
The Institute of Spatial Planning within the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning is currently drafting the Spatial Plan for the National Park Bjeshkët e Nemuna. The process of drafting the plan is being driven in parallel to the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) revision process in Peja, which considers an important area of the National Park, Rugova Valley.
The aim of the workshop was to introduce international best practices of spatial planning of national parks' areas, and present preliminary findings, conclusions and recommendations of the National Park Conservation and Development study, with particular focus on the Rugova Valley. UN-Habitat consultant Mr. Darren Enns, has presented in examples of successful National Parks; preliminary findings and background information from his work. The workshop included exercises in land uses and National Park zoning. Initially there was an introduction on the Rugova Valley Feasibility Study and the MDP Process, conducted by municipal planner Mr. Modest Gashi, from Peja municipality.The workshop also enabled attendees to initiate discussions, debate specific concerns, and provide comments to the process.