Vesti i dogadjaji
Training on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) in Kosovo
1 - 2 October 2014
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is a tool that contributes to informed decisions in support of sustainable development by incorporating environmental considerations into the development of spatial plans. Following the adoption of the SEA Directive into Kosovo legislation, UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) has been providing support to partner municipalities in conducting SEA of local development plans.
As part of this process, and aiming at further developing the capacities for SEA at central and local level, UN‑Habitat's MuSPP has offered a two day training course on SEA for Spatial Plans for officers involved in SEA procedures at central and local level. The activity was held within the context of launching guidelines for implementing the SEA procedure at central and local level.
The workshop aimed at enhancing the understanding and capacity for the implementation of SEA in Kosovo spatial planning activities, and addressed general SEA principles, specific methodologies, stages and tasks. The objective of the workshop was to improve participants understanding of the benefits of and possibilities for using SEA as a tool in strategic decision making and to enable participants to independently utilise SEA in their own work. The workshop was organized in the framework of MuSPP, implemented by UN-Habitat and financed by Swedish Development Cooperation.