Vesti i dogadjaji
The Local Solid Waste Management Plan of Junik was approved by the Municipal Assembly
Up-to-date solid waste management planning at the local level is a necessary and essential element in maintaining an environmentally-sound integrated solid waste management program. The municipality of Junik has now approved its Local Solid Waste Management Plan (LSWMP) 2014-2019, with support from UN-Habitat's Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme, financed by the Swedish Development Cooperation.
The elaboration of a LSWMP is a legal obligation for the municipalities in Kosovo which is set forth in Article 10 of the Law on Waste No. 04/L-060. During the development of Junik's local waste management plan the Law, the Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo on Waste Management 2012-2021 and the Plan of the Republic of Kosovo on Waste Management 2013-2017 were taken into account, as well as the Draft Action Plan for improvement of waste collection service in the municipality of Junik of December 2011 and the Municipal Waste Management Plan of Junik for 2014, which is the work plan for the year 2014 and based on the mentioned draft action plan. The draft action plan was partly implemented with the provision of waste containers to all waste generators in the municipality, installation of public bins and the improvement of cleanliness of public space as major achievements. Other goals have not been or were only partly reached. Revision and updating of the draft action plan, together with harmonisation of the plan with the central policy and legal framework, was therefore required.
The newly approved plan proposes a list of actions to reduce waste production, and improve waste collection, promoting composting and recycling at the local level and aiming at providing the inhabitants of Junik with a clean and healthy environment which is free from waste and its negative impacts. Municipal planning units need to continually reassess their planning strategies, policies and programmes if they are to continue to safeguard the environment.
Improved service provision
The Municipality wants to improve the waste collection services provided and introduce weekly waste collection by 2014 and collect all municipal solid waste from all waste generators (full coverage) by 2019.
Promotion of Composting
Composting, the biodegradation of the organic waste fraction, can substantially reduce the waste volume and produce a valuable stable compost product which can be used for soil improvement and as fertiliser. The Municipality of Junik will promote the composting of organic waste (kitchen and garden waste) at household level. The objective is that by the year 2016 at least 10 households and one staff member of the municipality have started composting the organic waste they produce and will serve as demonstration projects for others.
Introduction of Recycling
The Municipality wants to introduce the separate collection of recyclable fractions on basis of bring banks. The objective is to establish the first bring bank, a grouping of different coloured waste containers each dedicated to a separate recyclable waste fraction, by 2015 and, following the successful introduction of waste recycling, realisation of additional bring banks in the following years.
Elimination of illegal disposal sites
The Municipality wants to clean-up all illegal disposal sites in the Municipality during the period 2015 - 2016.
Storage and utilisation of construction and demolition waste
For the disposal of construction waste the Municipality wants, by the end of the year 2014, to identify and allocate a location within the Municipality where construction and demolition waste can be disposed of and temporarily stored awaiting re-use for, for instance, road rehabilitation.