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through training on inclusive spatial planning and project development processes
UN-Habitat and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) partnered with Kosovo Local Governance Institute (KLGI) in conducting the Fifth Module of the Local Governance Academy educative program led by the Institute. MuSPP delivered a tailored training on managing capital investment projects as a key component of spatial planning cycle towards sustainable development and an important tool for an improved local governance. The training, which was held on 12th of May 2016 in Prizren, brought together 17 participants representing various institutions from the local and central government as well as public enterprises and civil society institutions, such as Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, Ministry of Local Government Administration, Office of the Auditor General, Public Housing Enterprise in Prishtina/Priština, Municipality of Junik, Drenas/Glogovac, Kaçanik/Kačanik and NGO "ENRA".
The interactive discussion during the first session highlighted the importance of being consistent in terms of strategy and action as well as the fundamental role of an inclusive and active participation of the civil society in the process as means for sustainable development.
To bring the discussion in a more concrete level, MuSPP representatives shared a step-by-step approach and a set of methodological tools for project development and management developed and implemented throughout the decade of support to Kosovo institutions.
The training was concluded with a group work, which required the participants to apply the presented tools in a fiction scenario of project development and reflect jointly in a plenary discussion.
In this occasion, the participants underlined the value of showcasing the methodology through MuSPP projects developed in Kosovo partner municipalities, strengthening their belief that those success stories can be replicated and encouraging them to adopt such an approach in the projects in their municipalities.